An installation of words that are tied to helium balloons and suspended midair. Set in various weights of Univers – notable for its range of letter widths – lighter words float and heavier words weigh the balloons down.
An installation of words that are tied to helium balloons and suspended midair. Set in various weights of Univers – notable for its range of letter widths – lighter words float and heavier words weigh the balloons down.
In writing, the words weight and power are interchangeable: the weight/power of paper, weight/power of argument, and the weight/power of signature. In typography, weight also refers to the width of a typeface. Is the material weight of a word similar to the weight of its agency? What in the universe is lighter than air?

An installation of words that are tied to helium balloons and suspended midair. Set in various weights of Univers – notable for its range of letter widths – lighter words float and heavier words weigh the balloons down.
Balloon installation
Eury Kim © 2020